Monday 4 December 2017

A Gift For That "Tricky" Someone♥*

Candles are my weakness. I don't know how many of them I have lying around and stored in boxes, and if I'm honest, I don't want to know either. Why do I own so many? Because they're pretty, smell nice and make such good blog props. When it comes to gifts, I find that candles are a good idea. People may bash them around and say that they're the "easy" option, however, more thought goes into them than you'd think - you get personalised ones, and also need to take the scent into consideration. I don't know about you, but every Christmas, there is always a "tricky" person to buy for - admit it. 

Crabtree and Evelyn have my heart when it comes to their body products. I didn't actually realise that they did homeware items such as candles, mainly because I get majority of my candles in Primark etc. They very generously sent me out their Mini Red Berry & Fir Candle* to feature on my blog and when I saw the packaging, I instantly loved it. A copper candle? Could I be any more cliché? It came packaged in an adorable red box which screamed festive at me, and when I opened the box, the scent of this candle hit me right in the face. Literally. If I were to pick a candle that summed up Christmas, it would have to be this one. I could just imagine being curled up on a cold, Winters day watching Christmas movies with a hot chocolate and this candle burning in the room. Ah, bliss.

Personally, I just keep this sitting on my bedside table because it's just so pretty! I feel guilty for burning candles, especially when they're really pretty. For this miniature size, the average burn time is 16 hours (the large version available here for £42 has an average burn time of 40 hours), meaning that even the miniature will burn for quite a long time. Even Crabtree themselves state under the product specification that this candle would be the perfect gift or stocking filler. 

I cannot imagine how anyone could not be happy to receive this as a present. I was hooked with the packaging, but the scent itself seriously has won me over. 

Have you ever tried this candle? What's your favourite candle (or candles!)?

*PR Samples


  1. This candle sounds like it would smell incredible! I have seen a few of these candles knocking around in TK Maxx. I’ll have to have a closer look when I next pop in!
    Amber |

    1. Aw it honestly does! Oh no way?! Definitely check them out then! x

  2. I absolutely adore scented candles, especially during the festive season they just make my room feel all cosy! I'm loving gingerbread scents right now but this does sound lush, love the copper packaging! I often keep the jars afterwards to store things in :)

    Toni x

    1. I can relate girl haha! Gingerbread candles scream Christmas to me ha! Such a good idea x


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