Monday, 8 January 2018

Perfect Winter Highlighters💕

A change in season means time for a makeup rotation. I absolutely love digging through my makeup and bringing my A/W makeup to the front and putting my S/S items away. Berry lipsticks, darker eyeshadows, I'm calling you. As well as this, I like to change my highlighters. In the S/S, I use warmer toned highlighters but in A/W, I prefer a cooler toned highlight (it matches the weather better hahaha). Whilst rooting around my makeup, I decided to create a blog post with some of my favourite Winter highlighters and have picked out a stick, powder and liquid version.

theBalm Mary Lou || £18 - If the above image doesn't stress how much I love this highlighter, then I don't know what will. It's literally the most beautiful, dreamiest highlight ever which is sure to leave you glowing like a night sky. It's oozes pigmentation and even with the lightest hand, the glow is insane. It's a stunning gold toned highlight which isn't on the warm side at all, and is honestly a pale gal's best friend - it compliments my skintone so well. I could go on for days raving about this highlight, but to save boring you - read more here.

Natural Collection Highlighter Stick in Rose Glow || £2.49 - As you can tell, this highlight is definitely on the cool side and there's no denying it. Believe it or not, this stick delivers quite a glow indeed. Considering the size of the product, there is a lot of pigment in the little stick. It works well with my pale skintone, and is more on the natural side than Mary Lou. I find it a bit tricky to apply because I'm afraid incase it appears "streaky", so after applying, I always ensure to blend it out. If you want to find out more about these highlighter sticks, read here.

Seventeen Skin Wow Highlighter || £5.99 - Whenever I use a liquid highlighter, I tend to use it as a base, followed by a powder highlighter for intensity, however, this highlight is strong enough that this isn't always needed. Less is more with regards to this because the pigmentation is strong enough to blind people, it's incredible. I like to apply two to three dots on my cheekbones, then blend out with a damp beauty sponge. This delivers a more natural look whilst still glows like mad. It can be used as a primer however I would not risk this because a glowy primer and oily skin does not sound like a good combination to me, but it may work for you.

As you can imagine, I own numerous highlighters, but these are my favourite Winter highlighters. And, do tell me about yours!


  1. I really love a good drugstore highlighter so when I visit the UK next time I'm definite going to pick up the natural collection one!
    Xoxo Annaleid

  2. I've never tried any of these! I've heard good things about highlighter by The Balm though so I'll have to give them a go. xx

    Lucy |

    1. Ooh have you not?! The Balm get really good reviews about all their highlighters x

  3. I’d hrard of the Mary Lou minizer but the Betty Lou minizer matched my skin the best. Have you seen the new liquid highlights wet n wild released? I’m dying to get my hands on them!

    1. See that one wouldn't work as a highlighter on my skintone! No, we don't have wet n wild in the UK I don't think! x

  4. I've wanted to try Mary Lou for years but just never seemed to get around to buying it as I was too worried it would pull too warm. I prefer cool-toned highlighters so the Seventeen one calls to me! Great picks! x

  5. Great advice. I must try these, the colors look amazing!

  6. Such a great wee selection of products!!
    I love MUA for cheap as chip highlighters.

    Gillian xx

    1. Thanks! Funnily enough I've never tried MUA for eyeliners! x

  7. The Mary-Lou-Minizer seems to be many people's favourites! It looks like such a perfect silvery shade.
    Amber |

    1. It's right to be so, just beautiful! Cannot recommend it enough x

  8. Wow you really love that Mary-Lou! ;-) I've never hit pan on a powder highlighter before. I'm willing to do so in 2018!

    Love, Charline | Charline Has a Blog  

  9. They're so beautiful! I really want to try theBalm one, heard so many good things about it! My favourite has to be the Youique highlighter, it's so glowing!

    Jess xx

    1. Honestly, if you've got the money, buy it! Tad pricey but worth the splurge x


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