For me, 2017 has been a blast of a year. Life wouldn't be life if there weren't any downfalls, but majority of this year has been positive. I have loved near enough every minute of it and it has past by like a flash. Unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone. Some years are just damn right rotten from beginning to end and it feels as though you're stuck in a rut that isn't ever going to end. 2018 is approaching at a rapid pace. I'm excited to see what is holds for me, whilst others may be hesitant. Change is good, and change is necessary sometimes. I've constructed a list of small changes you can consider making in 2018 to try make it YOUR year, and the best it can be.
Reconsider your outlook on life - now I'm not meaning dream of fairies and unicorns, no not that. Try thinking positively about everything. I won't lie, it is really difficult to be positive 24/7 - everyone has off days here and there where they feel really down, it's only human. Instead, try to be optimistic about things. Applied for a job? Think positively. Trying something new? Think positively. Instead of having a negative mindset, think positively and well.
Diet and exercise - Well, who would have ever have thought that those words would feature on this blog? Not me, never. I'm not becoming a fitness blogger anytime soon, but small, simple changes in your diet and exercise can make you feel better, improve your mood and is good for your health. Some days you can feel unmotivated, and want to do nothing more than lounge around munching on chocolate - we've all been there. But, how about swapping the chocolate for a bit of fruit? Of course, it doesn't compare at all (it's chocolate after all), but increasing your fruit and vegetable intake is a step in the right direction. Also, drinking more water has lots of benefits - it helps your skin and flushes out any toxins in your body. As for exercise, I don't mean take up multiple extreme sports. Even just walking regularly - get your heart pumping and increase those steps! Exercise releases a hormone which boosts your mood, and it will help you to think a whole lot clearer, resulting in that positive mind set! Although it will make you feel better, remember balance is necessary.
Pick up a hobby - perhaps a hobby is exactly just what you need to stimulate your brain. My favourite hobbies are blogging and photography (cheeky plug in, but feel free to check out my photography here and here), but there are so many options out there. It varies from singing to dancing, baking to drawing, playing an instrument to writing, there is something out there for everyone. You don't necessarily need to be amazing at it; if you enjoy it, then let it be. As long as you are happy, that's all that matters. It will certainly boost your happiness levels by doing something you love, and it will give you something to do to pass your time. I bet if you were to sit down and think "what actually are my hobbies?", you will have more than you even realise. So, for 2018, what's your new hobby?
Be ambitious - when I say ambitious, I mean realistic, nothing overly wild whatsoever. Of course we all want the best for ourselves in life, but when setting goals, but realistic - are they achievable? How can I go around achieving this? Or am I being ridiculous? Setting goals is a good thing, especially if you know the end goal. The journey towards the finish is rather exciting too. Whether it may be short term or long term goals, a goal is a goal and if you're ambitious enough, you can get there - just with a whole lot of hard work and determination! In my opinion, the best way to achieve a goal is by staying humble - don't tell people your goal, instead, SHOW them!
Prioritise YOU - put you first. It is not, and I repeat NOT, selfish to put you first and do what's best for you. Make yourself your number one priority, and watch how your happiness will change. It's only healthy, trust me. Never settle for number two when it comes to you - screw whether you are anyone else's number one, you are your own. Be your own biggest fan, support yourself and make decisions based on yourself.
Honestly, these simple little things could make your 2018 the best year of your life, so far. Do things for yourself that you will thank your future self for. As I've already said, 2017 went really well for me, and I am nothing but determined to make 2018 as equally amazing as 2017, if not better. I know that I want to look back on my life and be proud of what I've achieved, so I want to absolutely smash 2018 and every year onwards.
How are you going to make 2018 your year?