Monday, 11 September 2017

Blogging Isn't All About The Numbers - And Here's Why♥

I will put my hand up and admit, when a blog post I adore and am proud of doesn't do as well as I had expected, it can be quite deflating. You gave it your all and it just seems as though the hard work just didn't pay off as you had initially thought. Admit it, it can be disappointing to see your Instagram or Twitter following numbers drop - why did they unfollow me? Do they not like my work? Yes, numbers can matter, but at the end of the day, blogging isn't all about the digits, numbers suck - in fact, it's more important to focus on the words.

As you will most likely know, for me, blogging is my space to give my opinion on products. I just sit down at my laptop and allow the creative juices flow, and the words just come naturally. I am a wordy person, I like to write, I like words. Blogging gives me the space to write to my potential about my new lipstick that I'm loving or an eyeshadow palette that I'm lusting over without boring my friends because people who like words will read blogs. Blogs are definitely for people who like words whereas in my opinion, YouTube videos are for those who are visual. 

But, what am I getting at here? Sure, there's nothing more amazing and rewarding to see my pageviews increase, or my Instagram likes increase, or my Twitter following increase, but if they don't, then it's not the end of the world. I don't like numbers, in fact, numbers just aren't my thing, it's words > numbers, much like it's quality > quantity. As long as I'm happy putting my words to paper (or in this case, a word document), then that's all that matters. I blog because I love it, I love writing and I love beauty. Not because I'm obsessed with numbers and I want to become the next big Zoella. No. Blogging for me is personal, and nothing else.

Watching your little blog grow in terms of views is exciting, but don't be expecting miracles overnight, it takes time, much like it takes time to grow as a person - you don't just go from 4 foot to 5 foot within 12 hours do you? But, what is my actual argument here? Enjoy the blogging journey and experience. Why? Because if you're busy enjoying blogging, then you'll be too busy to even take any notice of the numbers. Your passion will shine through in your content, and people will fall in love with your blog that way. 

Lose yourself in the words, not the numbers, and watch as you fall completely in love with blogging.


  1. Love this post! I totally agree with you. People these days are always focused on numbers, but I really enjoy the process of blogging and I don't give a s* to numbers. xx

    Carolina's Makeup Life

    1. Thank you Carolina! Sometimes it's hard to not get caught up in the numbers, I completely understand, but they aren't important! x

  2. I find myself constantly stuck between ignoring the numbers while blogging for the sheer love of it and getting frustrated because my numbers are dropping like crazy. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the numbers especially when you see people celebrating milestones that it feels like you'll never reach but it's hardly like any of us started blogging just to gain 100K followers (or maybe some of us did, I don't really know)! I need a sign in my living room to remind me that I blog because I love to write not because I want my numbers to grow.

    Raise The Waves

    1. I can definitely relate here, but then I think to myself "Wait, I blog for myself, not for the numbers"! I'm always so happy to see fellow bloggers achieve certain things, and I won't lie, sometimes you can feel a bit jealous, but at the end of the day, you should enjoy blogging - it's an achievement in itself that you have your own corner of the web! x

  3. I think blogging would be more positive if people thought more like you. It IS nice to see progress, but people shouldn't be caring as much as they do AND doing silly things to get their numbers up. Be creative and positive! Loved reading this


    1. It has been quite negative lately with regards to numbers so I just HAD to share this post! I certainly am in agreement with what you're saying - imagine how much more fun the community would be if people all blogged for one thing, enjoyment! Thank you A x

  4. You said this so well, it is so easy to get attached to numbers but it is more about the personal journey! Great post!
    Grace xx

    1. Thank you Grace! I for one know that I blog purely for the satisfaction of writing and voicing my opinion! Sure there are down days when I get down with my numbers - ie low pageviews and I wonder what I'm doing wrong - but then I get over it because I know that I love my blog and that I'm proud of it, regardless of whether other people read it! x

  5. Could not agree more! I gave up on blogging a while ago only to realise that I love doing it so much. So now I have started again, with a totally different mind-set, just blogging for my personal enjoyment and anyone that is interested in what I have to say x

  6. This is so true! and it definitely puts things into perspective. I've always been a big believer in quality over quantity!

  7. Love this post! And I'm definitely in agreement with all you said! I'm a big believer in quality blogging, it's so much better than churning out posts with nothing to offer my audience :/

    1. Aw thank you! Yes exactly I'd rather write a post which shows true passion rather than a half-effort because I'm trying to publish multiple posts! x

  8. I totally agree with you. I have never liked numbers even if I'm good at math sometimes but seriously a number will never define me as a person, nor my success or anything at all. Numbers will be just numbers. Some go crazy and obsessed over them but I really do not. Like you, my blog is personal, I blog for myself and if someone out there loves what I'm doing then they might follow and join the journey. And yes, little by little things will slowly start happening. I'm a firmly believer of quality over quantinty! :)

    XO, Melissa

    1. I just don't like numbers haah! Worrying about the numbers won't get you far in blogging whatsoever - you can tell whether a blog post has been written for the sake of it or whether it's been written with passion! x

  9. Such an important reminder not to focus on the numbers! For me, I work for engagement. There's no point in the page views if no one is enjoying my content enough to leave a comment. I've been blogging on and off since I was 14, but if I'm not enjoying what I'm writing, I can't do it. Like finding a niche - I can't do it! It would such the joy out of blogging for me. Blogging is a place to freely express myself and the things I love, without placing any limits on what I can and cannot write. :)

    1. Although I tend to stick to beauty posts, there is absolutely no harm in writing about anything - its your blog after all! x


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